Marcello Damiani
Marcello Damiani is Chief Digital and Operational Excellence Officer at Moderna.
He has 20 years experience working in the IT field, with the last 10 years being spent in leadership roles for multinational companies in Europe and in the U.S.
Prior to joining Moderna, he was instrumental in conceiving and building creative IT solutions to help solve business challenges, first at Motorola and then at bioMérieux.
16 June 2020 16 June 2020
Large Enterprise Digital Transformation
A panel discussion with three chief digital officers - Barbara Martin Coppola of IKEA Retail (Ingka Group), Al-Noor Ramji of Prudential Plc, and Marcello Damiani of Moderna – will share the challenges, opportunities, and strategies large enterprises face as they seek to transform into AI-centered organization. You will:
- Learn the dos and don’ts drawn from the experience of enterprises’ digital transformation efforts
- Appreciate why it’s essential to build “AI-Factory:” a scalable decision factory, powered by software, data, and algorithms
- Learn what it takes to rearchitect the firm, leveraging the full power of data, networks, and AI
16 June 2020 16 June 2020 - Links
Large Enterprise Digital Transformation
A panel discussion with three chief digital officers - Barbara Martin Coppola of IKEA Retail (Ingka Group), Al-Noor Ramji of Prudential Plc, and Marcello Damiani of Moderna – will share the challenges, opportunities, and strategies large enterprises face as they seek to transform into AI-centered organization. You will:
- Learn the dos and don’ts drawn from the experience of enterprises’ digital transformation efforts
- Appreciate why it’s essential to build “AI-Factory:” a scalable decision factory, powered by software, data, and algorithms
- Learn what it takes to rearchitect the firm, leveraging the full power of data, networks, and AI